Customer Profile

  • What data should be specified in the profile?

    Specify all the data that will help you contact, communicate and respond to your projects. Last name and first name – certainly, as well as convenient ways of communication for you – phone number, links to your pages in social networks that are convenient for you, skype, telegram and the like. The indication of such data demonstrates the seriousness of the posted project and the intention to accept applications for your project.

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  • How do I get the review from the artist?

    Review can be obtained as a result of the project completion. If the contractor wants to recommend you to other masters, or vice versa - to warn them against working with you or report a violation – he will be able to leave a review about working with you for other users of the site. Therefore, try to be polite and punctual.

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  • Who can I write messages to?
    Absolutely any other user of the site.

    But remember that not everyone is eager for communication, so try to correspond only within the framework of the question you are interested in.

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  • Who can I leave a Review?

    Only the Customer can write a review for an Artist. 

    Try to write objective reviews that fairly reflect your opinion about the artist's profile, the quality of the project, or artist's help with other issues related to the subject of our site.

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