Authorization and password

  • Can I change my data after registration?

    Yes, it can be done! But keep in mind that this may confuse those users who have already noticed you. Try to use this feature only in extreme cases when the data has become irrelevant: loss of the phone, change of email, or something similar.

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  • How do I recover my password?

    Forgot your password? It's ok – feel free to click on the button "Have you forgotten your password?" on the account login page, enter the email address with which you registered. After that, the system will generate a new password and send it to the specified email address. In the future, you can change it in the profile settings to any convenient one.

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  • The letter is not coming!

    A letter confirming registration is sent automatically, but if there is increased volume of requests, it can take up to a day. If it doesn't come for a longer time, something has definitely gone wrong. Check the correctness of the specified mail and, if no error was found, contact the support service.

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  • I can't log in to my account.

    First of all, check the most banal reasons: whether the input language has switched when entering the password and whether the ill-fated Caps Lock is enabled – the system is case-sensitive. If you are sure that everything is correct, try to restore your password by clicking on the "Have you forgotten your password?” in the data entry screen.

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  • Registration

    All fields are required to be filled in:

    1. The email address must be no shorter than 3 and no longer than 20 characters. Of course, this must be a valid address to which you have permanent access. 

    2. The password must be no shorter than 3 and no longer than 20 characters. 

    3. Enter your location (start entering the name of your region and the system will give you a hint, then select the desired option and click on it with the mouse). 

    4. Enter the result of the task from the captcha image. This way the system will make sure that you are not a malicious robot. 

    5. Select the user type. You can choose from two types: the customer and the artist. A user can register both types of accounts and then link them.

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