Artist Profile

  • How do I add a user to my favorites?

    Have you noticed someone? Then add it to your "Favorites" so as not to lose it among others! To do this, click the "Add to favorites" link in his profile. To remove a user from this list, click the link again. Note that customer's profile can be accessed with PRO account only.                                       

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  • Why fill out your profile in detail?

    Your profile is your face. When choosing an artist, the customer will focus on the works in your portfolio, skills, contacts, completed works and received feedback. The completed profile demonstrates your skills and the seriousness of your attitude to projects.

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  • What should I write in the "About me" field?

    Everything that can favorably distinguish your services from other artists. Describe your skills and work experience, artistic techniques that you own. In general, any information that seems important for attracting the customer. Also, it is not superfluous to specify the time when you are online to respond to messages and requests from customers.

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  • How do I get feedback from the Customer?

    How do I get feedback from the customer? Feedback can be obtained as a result of the project execution. The customer will be able to leave a Feedback about your work - positive, neutral or negative, depending on the impression made by you and your work. Punctuality, quality, professionalism in work and communication will help you get the best feedback.


    We recommend that you exceed the customer's expectations when working on a project, then the feedbacks will always be good!

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