
  • How do I send and receive messages?

    Click on the "Write a message" button located under the avatar of any registered user of the site. Thus, you will go to the message sending form, through which you can send any text and attach a file in any of the available formats.

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  • Who can I correspond with?

    With any registered user of the site. Try to communicate through the site's messages so that you have the opportunity to confirm the fact of the contract or refer to the message for a complaint, if necessary.

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  • Who can see my correspondence?

    Only your interlocutor with whom you communicate and you personally can see it. The site administrator can only get access on request to solve the problem that has arisen.

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  • How do I create a new folder for messages?

    Just go to the "Messages" section located in the site menu at the top and enter the name in the special "New folder" field. Then click the "Create" button - and you're done.

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  • How do I move a conversation to another folder?

    In the "Messages" section, next to the name of any user with whom you have already corresponded, there is a drop-down menu "Move it in a folder". Click on it to open the list of folders. Select the folder to which you want to move it. To return messages to the general folder, you will need to click on the current folder again in this menu.

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